haiku Directory

djelicsekunde.blog.com: Sreca Se Mijenja U Djelicu Sekunde
Zarada internetom nije nemoguca,zapravo iz dana u dan postaje sve više moguca.Internet poslovanje je buducnost, a ta buducnost je pocela da se ostvaruje,to znaci da više nije san,jer sad je san postao stvarnost.Isti taj san,i sam/a možeš pretvorit u stvar
Keyword: haiku , poezija

moonlightdwelling.com: - Moonlight Dwelling
Fan fiction from many fandoms including original fiction
Keyword: fan fiction , haikus , original fiction , poetry , soap operas , supernatural , vampires , writing , writing prompts

ahapoetry.com: Ahapoetry.Com
Lynx, a Journal for Linking Poets with renga, tanka, haibun, ghazal, sijo, poetry, Japanese poetry, Indian poetry..
Keyword: aha poetry , bare bones school of haiku , bare bones school of renga , haiku , haiku poetry , haiku writers , how to write haiku

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